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PInk Cricut

Thanks for letting me be on your blog ladies! :) You're the best!~


Fun read! I buy Pink by Design stamps, but I like being able to get a glimpse behind the designs and see the designer! Thanks for this post (and those sneak peeks!)!

Kim Ricketts

I love Pink By Design stamps! They are my absolute favorite! My friend Candace introduced them to me and I love them all! Thank you for doing this post on her! I was surprised to read that she really started in April of last year. I thought she has been doing this much longer in the online world. :) Thank you for sharing!


Sarah - the sneak is a must have! My husband loves planes of all kinds - he builds large rc models and flies them for fun! This airplane image is vintage and awesome! I can use it on cards for him, layoutsl can't wwait to get home tonight and see all the new stuffm!


Great stamps, I will have to check them out! :-) Especially like the new one, believe in yourself. <3

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